about sandy

Pinterest Marketing Educator &
Digital Course Creator

After many years of diving deep into social media marketing, Sandy dug into a lesser known platform as a marketing channel for her home organization business, Tidy with SPARK. While hesitant to learn yet another platform, she embraced the importance of change and took action anyway.  The results are no short of remarkable.  Sandy took on learning Pinterest with a growth mindset and during the process she discovered a new joy for content creation to a brand new audience to market her business.

In just a short time frame, Sandy executed a strategy that connected her to over 260k new followers, growing her audience to new heights from her humble 31 followers at the start of her Pinterest journey in April 2021.

Sandy’s exponential organic growth on Pinterest could not be kept a secret. The excitement and new found energy Sandy felt toward content creation propelled her to share her success and strategies with other business owners. This journey of sharing Pinterest with others led to the creation of Sandy’s beginner course on Pinterest fundamentals, Pin with SPARK!

Through free trainings, workshops and digital course offers, Sandy shares her love of Pinterest marketing with her hundreds of students.

flatlay with aesthetic notebook and keyboard on tabletop pin with spark

Our Mission

Pin with SPARK seeks to elevate online marketing efforts for business owners who want to get more out of their content creation. Through action oriented education we spark change and growth in our students’ businesses.

Our Values

Here at Pin with SPARK we value diversity and inclusion in the community through differing thoughts and ideas, embracing the uniqueness of each individual. We believe that our shared and different experiences ultimately connect us together.

“Great course 'Pin with SPARK'! I can recommend this for Pinterest starters! Plus Sandy is a fantastic teacher!”

Marion de Jong